Monday, June 12, 2006

As for me, I'm content with the view

I've been kinda quiet the last few days. I'll just say it. The birthday was a drag. I was embracing the self-pity. I worked my ass off for five hours on Saturday morning. Hellish. One of those mornings where everything and everyone is a struggle. I followed that with a good workout. Release the poison and all that. I cleaned up and went shopping. Baby needs a new suit. Sorely. It was a long frustrating day of that, but it finally paid off. I found something I loved. Modern cut that hit me right all over. Like it was made for me. Bespoke at off the rack prices. Mmmmm, I wanna put it on now and just peekaboo parts for you. No? You haven't even seen the goods yet. So the suit was a good thing, but it was my birthday and I was home by 10:00 pm in my jimjams watching the two last episodes of QAF (so I can FINALLY get to SFU, Maddie!).

Sunday morning rolled around, as it so often does, and I was watching Nadal and Federer duke it out on the terre batu in Paris. Hours and hours of lawn work followed. Then I finished the reread of Wicked. I can finally start Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, my summer read. Which is so LAST summer, I know. Then the Tonys, which were delightful, I thought, if for nothing else than Alfre Woodard's bosom (it looked better LIVE). Seriously, I felt bad that she was done so wrong by the folks at Desperate Housewives, but at the end of the day, she's got a stunning rack, y'all. Oh, and each is really gross separately, but I'd totally make a drippy deli sandwich with Alan Cumming and Cyndi Lauper as a couple. And the guy from Avenue Q was a hoot, but then I've had a thing for queer muppets for as LONG as I can remember. And am I the last one to know that Cynthia Nixon has an uber-butch gf? Some say Bonaduce-esque, but I'm racking my brain to remember the name of that other red-haired pie-faced child star? Tell me!*

Where was I? Oh yeah, tennis and the Tonys should be so good that they don't even need a third to make a hat trick, but still I sighed. I swear to Bob I was this close to ordering some of those personal checks that have sad clowns on them. I know. I couldn't even snap pictures of the blooms from my garden last night. It was all rain and gloom by the time I thought of it. But THEN, today, I came home to these fellas, far prettier than anything I could grow.Hell, I don't even know what half of them are. Tres exotique. The picture doesn't do them justice. They're from a sweet, sweet man, a sly one, who knew just what I could use and when I could use it. A skill I admire to no end (and indeed, seek out) in others. It's not castles and kings, people, it's the little things. Posted by Picasa
some Tony picture links via D-Listed

ADDED: Ah, sweet relief! I finally remembered the child star-- *Mason Reese. Dead on.


Moominmama said...

The long, blue, spikey things are larkspur. Not difficult to grow and one of the few truly blue flowers. Looks like some daylilies and daisies in there, too. Lovely! Sorry your birthday wasn't all that. Better luck next year.

Jen said...

I'm sorry your birthday was lousy. Those flowers are very pretty, though. I also have a little gift for you.

(Oh, and no, you are not the last person to know that Cynthia Nixon has a butch gf, because I didn't even know sister was queer.)

freakgirl said...

Jeez, I'm totally ahead of the gays on this one! They met at a school board meeting or something and have been inseparable ever since.

Mason Reese - dude, scary!

Michael Guy said...

I bet that 'sweet, sweet man' would enjoy a pic of you in your 'jimjams.' Yep.

Or your birthday suit.