Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A room is a still a room, even when there's nothin' there but gloom

There's a new short run series, The Lost Room, on Sci Fi this December and EVERY part of it sounds like goodness. Peter Krause. Julianna Margulies. A key. A secret room. Seemingly innocuous objects that hold immense power. A missing child. Nefarious cabals. Oh, that last bit seals it for me. Who doesn't love a cabal? This is gonna be hot shit.

ADDED: I'm tacking this on, since it's another TV bit. Do you ever watch Queer Eye For The Straight Guy anymore? I didn't think so. It's been canceled and the last season is running now. I'm with ya. It got repetitive. You can only see a blazer with flip-flops and aviators so many times. And Tom's sleek minimalism is hot, but c'mon faggots, mix it up a little. Still, I'm gonna highly recommend last night's episode which featured Miles G., who used to be Amelia. It's not that his transformation is so dramatic, but this episode really touched me without being overly sentimental or blatantly Rah! Rah! Miles is just the sweetest guy and I can only imagine how rough it was for him to come out as a lesbian when he was Amelia, and then come out as trans and become Miles. I'm sure I didn't get that exactly right, but you get the idea.At one point he thanks his parents for "not disowning me" and adds "we joke about that, but it's not really funny because it happens all too often, but not to me." His mom says, "No, we OWN you." OK, that does sound treacly, but just watch. It's BRAVO, so it'll be on a few more times. If anyone is still around, riddle me this, Batman: who does he fuck now? I know it's girls, but it's also girls who want to be with a person who has a goatee, an entirely hairy body in fact, and a man's voice (pubescent boy's voice, actually), and girly naughty bits. That's a fairly small subset, no?

Oh, one more thing. While you're over at Bravo's website, check out the Brilliant But Cancelled section for the autopsies on some Gone Too Soon greatness. Like Firefly. ::sigh::
Or Freaks and Geeks. ::le sigh::


Jen said...

Thanks for the tipoff to the SciFi goodness, I hadn't seen that yet and I'm totally into all that weird crap.

So far the only other interesting thing to me on the fall lineup is The Class on CBS -- but if history's any predictor of the future, since it's already caught my eye it will probably either: a) suck; or b) rule, but get cancelled before the first season's over.

Just like the Republican party, network veeps make a hobby out of killing everything I love. I will never forgive them for killing Freaks & Geeks.

freakgirl said...

Me neither.

The Other Andrew said...

Did someone say "Krause"? ::sits up:: I loves me some Krause!

Michael said...

Jen and Freakgirl, I added a link to the Bravo autopsy on Freaks and Geeks. I feel you.

TOA, it's cuz he's SO DAMN GOOD! And the fur don't hurt.

freakgirl said...

If you're a F&G fan and have some extra cash, I HIGHLY recommend the collector's yearbook edition of the DVDs. You could watch for a week straight; it's so full of freaky geeky goodness.

Jen said...

I second that rec. E bought that for me (probably to shut up my bitching over the show getting the axe) and it's delicious.