Monday, September 04, 2006

Instead of messing with our future

I know there are still people who think all the discussion of global warming is overblown. I've heard people say that they think it's just normal climate fluctuations that occur over time. While I respect that everyone is entitled to their opinion, wake the fuck up. When your opinion is baseless speculation spoonfed to you by special interests, you're just embarrassing yourself when you open your mouth. Scientists have ways of determining if the global increase in greenhouse gases is part of the normal climatic fluctuations. They can take deep ice samples and determine the levels of CO2 that were in the atmosphere when the ice was formed. They've just gone back as far as they ever have. 800,000 years. You think that's long enough to take into account these "normal fluctuations"? Not only have they found that greenhouses gases are far above what they have ever been in the last 800,000 years, they've discovered a scary bit about the rate these gases are increasing. In the entire span of the ice sample (800,000 years, remember?), the fastest increase in CO2 concentrations was on the order of 30 parts per million (ppm) over one thousand years. Until now. The most recent increase of 30 ppm? It's occurred in 17 years.If you were one of the two people (confession time: I was the first) who used my blog to pledge a look at An Inconvenient Truth, you have my undying love. I'd like to show it. How about a lifetime pass to the VIP tent at the annual Pipedreams Convention? No? I'll think of something. Seriously, when you are voting this November, shouldn't this be an issue at the front of your mind? All the other stuff ain't gonna mean shit in about 50 years. I'll be gone.....OK, I'll be fabulously 90, but odds are you'll be gone....but your kids/grandkids/nieces and nephews won't. Watch the film and then if I'm full of shit, call me out. Oh, and check it out. Al Gore and Melissa Etheridge have a Celebrity Playlist on iTunes. It's interesting, if only for the knowledge that Al and Tipper bought Monkey Business. Ewww. I'm not a huge Melissa Etheridge fan, but her song I Need To Wake Up that plays over the end credits of Al's movie is a good one. Bitch wails a lot, but it just means she feels deeply, people. I guess.


freakgirl said...

Wow. I need to see this film.

Michael said...

You do. And not just for the Pipedreams VIP Pass.

Anonymous said...

I think I was #2. I haven't seen it yet because it only appears to be playing at a theatre I refuse to attend.

Anonymous said...

I was #3 I think. I'll see it as soon as it comes anywhere near where I live! Everyone should see it, there really isn't room for ignorance with this issue.

BTW ~ See The Illusionist.