I know it's the eve of Christmas Eve and I should be all "celebrate family" and "peace on earth" with a festive post, but, well, feh. Kinda over it before the fact. Forgive me?
There is something I can get excited about. You seeing The History Boys! (link has sound...but it's rad 80s music, if that helps)

Oooh, and I also developed an insta-crush on the Middle Eastern looking mofo two rows in front who had the most charming laugh, of such a sexy volume and timbre, and indicating he was smart enough to get it (and me, if we're being honest here). Was it just me and him laughing out loud? Mmmmm, getting jokes together is hotness. Sigh.
And never mind me, you have a WONDERFUL holiday! If you're so inclined. And if you're not? So inclined, I mean, then I think this might help a little. If you're anything like me, it'll help a lot. If only I'd seen that sooner. (link via the divine fourfour)
Sounds good! I love great dialogue. Just added to the Netflix list. (I doubt it will be in theaters anywhere around me, but I'll look)
It hardly feels like Christmas down here (FL)...it's about 80 everyday! It's a tough adjustment, but I'll get through it. :)
The happiest of holidays to you, too!
80F....yes, yes, I suppose you'll manage, Maddie. Did you ever get that Larson-tinged Christmas tune I sent? Have a wonderful holiday and a great New Year in your new place!
Wow. That video was perfection.
Merry Merry, ya'll!
I know, right? And I have YOU to thank for my newfound adoration of La Bush. Ummmm.....
Anyway, back atcha, baby!
How have I never heard of this? How have I never heard of THIS? I am of the zeitgeist, you know, normally.
Thanks for heads up.
Speaking of getting it...
Was it just "me and him" laughing out loud.
Oops. Thanks!
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