You should have seen the look on the manager's face at Banana Republic when I asked if I could have the display window poster after Christmas. What? Like, does she think straight guys shop there or something?
If we live our lives the right way, then everything we do can become a work of art.
Nums. I just put the Banana into Banana Republic.
ah, smartly dressed and lightly toussled. just the way i like 'em.
toa: hahaha. nice.
Oh, he's a cutie. I love that stubble thing you boys do.
He cute. Scarf nice. Stubble good.
I'm thinking of getting the scarf. And trying the stubble. It's been years since I did that.
Jen, so we have the same taste in MEN, then?
Scratch that. I checked and the scarf is $118. I'm just going with the stubble.
I can make that scarf. :)
Interestingly, yes, we mostly do have the same taste in men.
With women, it's just...hmm. How to explain. There's a look that women who like to fuck other women have, and it's nothing to do with gender, since it occurs on femme women as well as butch women, and all across and around the gender scale. I want to say "phenotype" but that's not quite right. I'm too exhausted to find the right words, but suffice to say that the overwhelming majority of women I find attractive have that look and none of your pie ever displays it.
Probably because PIE is mostly just about big boobs, I've decided.
Freakgirl, I wish I had some useful skill like that. I never, ever say "I could make that!" as I can't really fashion anything out of anything. Feels good, I bet.
Santa is watching.
uh-oh. i've been naughty. better spank me.
Trust me, you could make that scarf too, with a few lessons. It's easy to knit; it's the expensive yarn that makes it special.
Whiskery yet clean-scrubbed Banana Republic model.
Um, he's cute. We get it. Can we move on?
The scarf or the man?
Yes, you know, either. BOTH.
I tried the stubble thing this weekend. Went three days 'til I ran screaming to the Gillette Mach 3.
At Mach 3, I'll bet.
Or Mach 5 maybe? Mmmm, Speed Racer. Didn't he wear a bandana?
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