Most of us grew up strong because of the fortune of a lucky birth. Everybody reading this right now hit the lottery by virtue of where we came to be. Not so for many born in Africa, where there are areas with fully 30% of the population infected with HIV. Bono and Bobby Shriver have started this movement,
(RED), that will raise money to save lives in Africa. I was moved by much of what I saw on the
Oprah today. One thing stood out, though. Every
day, two 9/11s. Every
month, a tsunami. I don't think that comparison in any way detracts from those tragedies. It drives the point home, though. Over 100,000 people die in Africa every month from treatable conditions and complications related to AIDS, TB and malaria. We HAVE the drugs.

From the
(RED) Manifesto:
We believe that when consumers are offered this choice, and the products meet their needs, they will choose (RED). And when they choose (RED) over non-(RED), then more brands will become (RED) because it will make good business sense to do so, and more lives will be saved. (RED) is not a charity, it is simply a business model. You buy (RED) stuff, we get the money, buy the pills and distribute them. They take the pills, stay alive, and continue to take care of their families and contribute socially and economically in their communities.
The holiday season is coming up for much of the world. We're gonna buy stuff anyway. Why not buy
(RED)? Buying one
(RED) t-shirt will provide drugs to prevent mother to newborn transmission of HIV for 18 women? That's a no-brainer, y'all.
dude, this is awesome. thank you so much for making me aware of this. i'm sending this to everyone i know.
I see a (RED) t-shirt in your future... HOW hard does that red Nano rock?! Me likey...
Thanks for posting this. Every bit helps. I worked for the UN in Africa (forgive me!) and know first hand how discouraging the situation is. The UN, of course, does very little.
I know! Saw the IPOD ad! Cool!
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