Monday, February 04, 2008

Drink to sister Michael, sister Michael, sister Michael!

I bought this Sigg bottle over the weekend. I drink lots of water through the day, and I want to drink filtered, so I bring it from home. Do y'all know anything about the healthiest vessel for carrying water? I'm a little paranoid about plastics leeching into the water, so I bought this thinking it would be better. Then I noticed it does have some kind of polymer lining. Ugh. I should just drink out of the muddy ditch out back.


freakgirl said...

I prefer to not give a crap. I mean, really, I inhale so many pollutants on any given day by just BEING ALIVE in New Jersey, I can't get my panties all in a twist about this kind of thing.

Here's more info, anyway:

I'll be dead soon, probably. I do everything wrong.

Michael said...

I started reading that link and then I was too tired.

Living here in the heartland, you'd think I would fare better, environmentally speaking, but there is so much run-off of fertilizers and pesticides into the lakes and streams (and water table?) that, yeah, not so great.

The Other Andrew said...

I'm fortunate that we have an in-sink water filter/chiller at work, so I just grab a glass and drink that all day. Some of my workmates fill up plastic water bottles though and drink from them, even though we have lots of glassware. It does make me think about a) the plastic but mostly b) they don't seem to ever wash them. That can't be good, right?

Michael said...

That's why I bought the Sigg washy thing, too. Why do pretentious accoutrement invariably require accessories?

The Other Andrew said...

Because we wouldn't buy then if they didn't.

Sweetie, even my bloody accessories have accessories, sweetie darling!

Michael said...

You always know just what to say.

Michael said...

Speaking of accessories, have you seen the Trojan disposable vibrating cock ring?

Genius, except for those poor folks in Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia, who have to cross borders to buy their sexy time accoutrement, and then smuggle them back across state lines.

The Other Andrew said...

I wonder how they smuggle them back?... Make the trip more fun, wouldn't it?