Monday, March 17, 2008

Let's start at the very beginning. It's a very good place to start.

Foundation garments can make or break my day. So when my t-shirt is a little heavy on the lycra, my underpants are from that "too skinny" phase last summer, and my socks aren't BLACK black, it's an inauspicious start.

At least they are all clean and in good repair, unlike some of that broke stuff y'all are wearing right now.


Mel said...

*checks underwear*

Michael said...


Anonymous said...

I HATE it when my socks aren't black black. I know you think I'm making fun of you, but I'm totally serious. I'm extremely finicky about the blackness of my black clothing. My mom constantly combines two black items that don't match. Drives me crazy. (She also wears violet with eggplant, because you know, they're both PURPLE. It's a good thing I like her so much...)

The Other Andrew said...

Black socks. NEW grey square cut trunks.

At least I'm tonal, right?

Michael said...

Susie, I could really get going on my mom's shoes, but I won't. I'm glad you understand that black needs to be black.

Andrew, squarecuts! I finally found some that don't ride up my honkin' thighs and end up like bunched up briefs. CK 365. And ever since Chuck said they make one look like he's smuggling a sea turtle, I like them even more.