I've been starving my way back down to my summer fighting weight the last few weeks getting ready for the Christmas ski trip. I have a little over three weeks to go and I hit 162 this morning, so I have time to play a little. How 'bout some
PIE? I feel like posting up about someone from my favorite new show,
Ugly Betty, and I suppose it should be
America Ferrera, its impossibly charming star. She knocks my socks off every week. She, and this show, never fail to delight and amuse. Smart and funny and sweet stuff. Not a bad performance from the whole cast, either. Betty's very, ummmm,
theatrical nephew Justin, played by newcomer
Mark Indelicato, is by himself worth the price of admission. Check it out if you haven't. Episodes are available
free online for the broadband-y amongst you. But I'm not. Doing America, I mean. Instead I'm doing one of the show's producers and current special guest stars, Salma Hayek.

One guess why.

Kinda two, actually. Step off Teri Hatcher, THESE are spectacular. You wanna fuck 'em, just be honest. Never mind those eyes, that face, that heck-a-slammin' body and the moxy to use her own production company to provide opportunities for other Hispanic folks.

She's community-minded, people. Love. Her. So, for reals, you think she's knockin' boots with Penny Cruz?

I sure hope so.
PS I deleted the previous post re: lack of nookie, not because I'm embarrassed, but because it was just all too "sad clown" paired with the "hold me" one that came before. I may revisit my dusty-from-disuse genitalia soon, so stay tuned!
It's official. You're mother would be so proud. You're offically straight and I'm dying a little inside.
OMG, you're so right about my Mom. When that fact gets me down, I remind myself that she's only worried about her baby boy being SMITED in the afterlife, bless her.
No, liebchen, I tried straight for the LONGEST time. So long that I became efficient with finger(s) and tongue so as to effectively abbreviate the actual act. Another trick was to suggest doing it RIGHT before Knots Landing. Anyway, it just wouldn't stick. You play, but you totally get the homo fascination with ample decolletage, right?
Ditto. Need I explain my flagrant admiration for Pamela Anderson's ta-tas?
:: suck on this, Kid Rock ::
You know, I don't so much have the ta tas thing. Really. I mean, I can appreciate a great rack, even if store-bought, but... not so much my thing.
Jen, it's a world gone mad.
Jen, if you don't want 'em, I'll take 'em. Both of 'em. At the same time.
oh my GOD i love Salma Hayak. Thank you thank you thank you for posting some curvaceous brunette pie! now THAT'S what i'm talkin' about!
(if you get 3.5 times more page views than normal today it's because i'm re-opening this every 26 seconds to take another look.)
MG, I do recall your predilection for Pammy. I like mine more natural and with less STDs, but I get you.
Jen, sweetie, you're not queer, you're just intellectual and talk-y. I can see where it'd be confusing.
CB, I knew you'd feel me (and her), sista.
Anyone who refers to herself as Chaucer's Bitch is automatically interesting so I might pay to watch the three of you even though the other two bore me. ;p
Actually, Michael, I think the fact that we have such vastly different taste in women somehow makes both of us even more gay than we previously believed. I'm still doing the math on it but I'll get back to you when I find for X.
Actually, Michael, I think the fact that we have such vastly different taste in women somehow makes both of us even more gay than we previously believed.
Rings true.
Jen, I won't charge you a dime, but i've got a policy against lookey-lous. If you're gonna come, you gotta play. ;-p
OK, this is giving me bone.
I share your policy, CB, and I'm pleased to note that your invitation gives me far more action in the pants than Michael's PIE usually does. Heh.
My pants, too, Jen. My pants, too.
Your last comment gave me gmail ads for:
"Tall Chick Pajamas"
"EMT Pants" ?
"Compare girl pants"
"Culotte pants"
"CB Repairs Cheap"
I'm late to the party, but the sistas are really doin' it for themselves, huh?
dude, click the link for cheap CB repairs. i'm broken!
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