If we live our lives the right way, then everything we do can become a work of art.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Kitty on my foot and I wanna touch it
Apres-lunch on the slopes last week, I ran across this little number and just had to snap a photo for La Freakgirl.While I was snapping, the owner's boyfriend kindly offered to show me the business side. Dost thou covet?
I'm a simple guy. I like y'all, but don't tell me you're a "people person", OK?
Also, if you tell me you are "straight-acting", I'll still be polite (Grandma Betsy lives on in me), but we'll be through. I read. I can love you if you don't read much, but if you read really bad shit, then I may not be able to love you. I'm liberal. Way. Who doesn't enjoy a nice trip (or a nice piece of fish)? I've traveled some, and I'll arrange my life so that I always can. Old people, babies (in their case, I think it's because my head/body ratio is similar), and your mother dig me (probably more than you do), and I'm OK with that. Know that if I am into you, I'll be amenable to just about anything. He'll be a lucky man who I aim to please. I'm aiming just thinking about you.
"..Apres lunch on the slopes last week..." Some folks wait a lifetime to use that sentence. Har!
Does D&G make snowboards? I'm just wondering?
Yes, darling, it was tres chic.....beef chili, a breadstick, and a shot of espresso with an Evian chaser.
::imagining the print ads for those D&G snowboards::
I never plan to go snowboarding, ever, but I kind of really want that.
Kind of?
Okay. Totally.
Does it come in pink?
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