OK, one more BROADWAY post and then I'll stop, k? I'm compelled to do one more because if you're in the vicinity (or will be) in the next two weeks, you owe it to yourself to catch
Little Dog Laughed before its run ends. So funny, you guys. It's a bit of a coming out story, although it tilts more toward staying closeted, as an aspiring Hollywood hearthrob (
Tom Everett Scott) grapples with his emerging love for the rent boy he hired (
Johnny Galecki).

Both of them are really good (and hot...no really...Galecki?...who knew?)(oh, and you get to see their weiners, as I've said over and over), but
Julie White gets to steal this show. She's the agent who is determined to keep her client on the down low so that she can pad her bottom line.

She's a scream. You might remember her from her hilarious turn as Mitzi Dalton-Huntley on
Six Feet Under. Or, if you're of a certain age, Nadine on
Grace Under Fire. Seriously, go see this show. Do like I did and stop at the TKTS booth about 20 minutes before showtime. No line, half price. Walk over to the Cort Theater, laugh your ass off, and remember to thank me later.
OMG...can I even afford not to see this? I think we have to go!
OMG...can I even afford not to see this?
No, sir, you cannot. See it with my full money back guarantee. You can take it in cash or trade.
Galecki is quite adorable...and an enjoyable stage actor.
I saw him in a Steppenwolf production last time I was in Chicago.
Wasn't Galecki the rent boy(ish) boyfriend in "The Opposite of Sex"? Typecast? You tell me.
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