Wednesday, September 26, 2007

To being an US for once, instead of a THEM

You know how I love movies. And you know how I love gay dudes. So this weekend I'm going to the Dayton LGBT Film Festival. If I can't find a queer to hang out with there, well, then I think I need to regroup. OUT readers will recognize Jesse Archer, who'll be in town to promote the first feature, A Four Letter Word (link has audio). He stars and is co-screenwriter. Also, he's sparkling.If you're in the 'hood, don't be a stranger!


The Other Andrew said...

Dayton gets its gay on! Cool.

(The flyer makes my font-nerd skin crawl though. Mulitcoloured condensed fonts! ::blurp:: Sorry, just threw up in my mouth a little. Hey, I'm sure it's no indicator of the event though!)

Michael said...

Who notices the fonts when Jesse is down there all sparkling? Oh, yeah...font-nerds notice.

So how you like my new font, bitch?