I saw
Superbad this weekend. I don't usually count myself amongst the target demo of this movie genre (a bit too pussy-centric for my sensibilities), but for whatever reason, if it comes out of Seth Rogen's mouth, I'm laughing over it. In the case of Superbad, he wasn't even the funniest thing going. That would be Michael Cera, who takes FUMBLING AWKWARD to new heights, or as
Freakgirl suggests, at least to Newhartian levels. Add some McLovin and you have a comedy trifecta.

I laughed and laughed. I'll be purchasing this on DVD to be sure, though I may lose a little more sleep figuring out exactly WHY. But $19.99 is fair if only to see Miroki do his kitty-cat at least one more time.
I can't wait until this comes out on DVD.
"Oh, they told us about that in Health Class." OMG.
And, as Lisa said, "Best use of the song 'Panama' in a film, ever."
Oh, yeah! I remember thinking along those lines.
And like you mentioned before, it makes you want to see it right away again.
I can't wait to see that. Wonder when it comes out on dvd?
I'm running to Target to buy Knocked Up today - I saw that 2x in the theater, I figure that'll be my reaction to Superbad as well. Love that Seth Rogen and all things Apatow.
Maddie, so effin' funny. You'd LOVE to see it with me and vice versa. ;-) I laughed more than in Knocked Up even.
It was funnier than Knocked Up, I agree. Both were awesome, but I can see myself watching Superbad over and over again. Knocked Up is great and it has Paul Rudd, but it also has Katherine Heigl and I haaaaaaaaaaaate her.
You hate her or you hate Izzy? Someday we have to sit in a bar somewhere and discuss this, and your intense Sarah Michelle Gellar hate, over drinks.
I wish I could have seen it with you! It seems like the movie you want to go with a big group and laugh your ass off.
I'm buying Knocked Up less for Heigl (although I do like her), and more for the Jason Segel, Jonah Hill, and the awesome chairs scene and others with Paul Rudd who I just adore.
FYI - slightly related to Katherine Heigl - T.R. Knight will be on Ellen on Thursday.
Oooh, I'll be sure to let Jean Valjean know! (aka my TiVo)
I just realized I sound like a real beeyotch. Oh well. Those women do bring out the worst in me.
Let's talk more about Paul Rudd. I want to live in his pants.
Beeyotch? No. My best people come with strong opinions. Besides, I hate Izzie, too. I don't have any strong feelings about Heigl, other than I think she's kind of a lower rent Charlize Theron.
Now, S M-G, I so beyond love Buffy, but the heart wants what it wants...and doesn't want, so we'll leave your visceral hate alone.
May I join you in Paul Rudd's pants? If there's not a lot of room, I'll take the part where he sits on me.
:: sigh ::
These three boys have been in Oz the past week doing promos for the film, and they made a very funny appearance on a chat show here called "Rove". The kid with the white boy 'fro was AMAZED that in a 9.30 timeslot Australian censorship laws are quite permissive about swearing on public tv. He couldn't believe that although he couldn't say "fuck", he could say "shit" amd "suck dick". "You mean I can't say 'oh eff I hurt my foot', but I can say 'I'm going to go and SUCK SOME DICK'!"
So he dropped both of those into the interview as much as he could. Rove does a thing where he asks the guests as many questions as they can answer in 20 seconds, and they win $20. The last question is always "Who would you turn gay for?"* The kid with the 'fro pointed to Michael Sera and said "I'm going out the back now and suck Michael's dick".
* When he has gay artists on, like Darren Hayes, he changes it to turn straight for, naturally.
That's awesome. I saw them doing interviews at Comic-Con on tv and they were always hilarious.
Michael, you see Miroki again in these clips:
'Fro is Seth Rogen. I know on the surface this movie seems very Porky's Redux, but it's SO funny. You should see it, Drewby.
A: Lauren Hutton
I know.
OMG, freakgirl, thank you! You're right. The best part of that scene is actually Sera's reaction.
Still, I love that paw licking thing. Karen did that once on "Will and Grace" and I cried laughing.
I think the "fro dude" is probably Jonah Hill, actually.
Seth Rogan Jnr.
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