Wednesday, July 27, 2005

We'll go dancing in the dark, we'll go walking through the park

Over at Max's joint he made mention of Speed Racer which had me happily reminiscing. That link is to the official Speed Racer website, yo. Download the theme song. Enjoy. This show was so ahead of its time, wasn't it? Anyway, I was thinking about my favorite episodes, and I'm a little fuzzy on the details here, but I was fixated as a young boy on the one where Speed is in a jungle and is being terrorized by this giant mutant Amazon spider, which attacks him, ripping his form-fitting white racing uniform (gulp), thereby exposing the Racer flesh underneath. Fixated. What was I but maybe 6-8 y.o. at the time? Born or raised, you make the call.

You know I really am loathe to make every damn post so faggoty. Heh. Did you keep a straight face?


Michael said...

Well Speed and the sound of his revving Mach 5 are in Maggie's inbox. Anyone else care to partake?

Michael said...

Straight Face= Poker Face
Gay Face= Pokehim Face