Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The bloom is off the rose

Remember my jokey post about the Bionic Woman and my natural deodorant? Well, it looks like Lisa Galloway isn't the only one who has a bad reaction to Adrenalizine. My left pit is red and very angry right now. Ow! LUSH, why have you forsaken me? The whole reason I switched to the crunchy, tree-huggy deodorant is because the other ones, so rich in petrochemicals and aluminum, started giving me a rash. Now the natural ones, too? That's it. I'm moving to France.

And yes, he DID just post about his pits/their maintenance again.


Mel said...

Welcome to my world. It's not bad at all if you just endeavor not to start smelling bad in the first place. Barring that, shower early and often. Oh, and avoid clothing that doesn't breathe well.

Michael said...

Ugh. It shouldn't be this hard! I'm not a heavy pit sweater, it's mostly my back and ass that get dewy, so maybe I can go without anything. This was actually just a free sample (curse you LUSH salesboy!), so I may try going back to the other natural one, which had been working fine, and actually left my pits smelling like a nice herbal tea.

freakgirl said...

Thanks a lot for forcing me to have a mental picture of your dewy ass. I mean, it's nice and all, but kind of an overshare. ;)

I've had allergic reactions in the pit area before...I can get by without deodorant by patting on some baby powder a couple times during the day.

Enjoy the mental picture of me powdering my armpits. You're welcome!

Michael said...

Enjoy the mental picture of me powdering my armpits. You're welcome!

I like how you shimmy your tits when you do that.

freakgirl said...

I can't help it!

sam said...

I dunno freakgirl... I think I know several people who BELIEVE they can "get by" doing just that. Belief tends not to be reality-based.

I tried that big rock salt deo. It works outstandingly for odor (not that my armpits are anything but so fresh and so clean), but does nothing for perspiration. Which my pits do tend to have.

The Other Andrew said...

I use a hypo-allergenic unscented one that has FOR WOMEN! enblazoned all across it, because that my friends is how I roll.

freakgirl said...

Michael, please tell Samuel that I don't smell. Thanks.

Trust me, I use anti-perspirant/deodorant. I use the strongest, most alzheimers-inducing I can find.

Andrew, please tell me you use Tickle.

The Other Andrew said...

OMG. I don't, but I wish I did.

(BTW - one of my favourite Sydney drag queens is called Tess Tickle. Say it fast and watch the hilarity ensue!)

Michael said...

Samuel, yeah, that other natural one I've been using works great for odor but isn't antiperspirant, which I'm fine. And Freakgirl does not smell bad, unless you don't like the smell of cupcakes and cocktails.

Andrew, all weekend I was using a product they probably made for a woman.

FG, TICKLE! That brings me back. That page also had a link to one of my favorite things-- Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp.

The Other Andrew said...

Andrew, all weekend I was using a product they probably made for a woman.

Vibrators aren't really the topic of discussion here though, are they?