Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wow, my nails look great!

They really do. Is it my diet? The cuticle oil? It's probably all the buffing. Anyway, not my point, but I was looking at my fingers after reading an interesting article in USA Today about a theory that fetal exposure to testosterone in the womb may be reflected in finger ratios in adults. There's some correlation between this ratio and athletic ability, musical ability, and even susceptibility to osteoarthritis. What interested me was that men typically have a longer ring finger than index finger (right, below), and women usually have the reverse, with the index finger being longer, or at least equal in length with the ring finger (left, below). Mine are nearly equal in length, and the article says that is often seen in gay men (but, no, it doesn't MEAN you're gay....relax Republicans). How about you?


Anonymous said...

and five fingers is fisting.



Moominmama said...

hey, my ring finger is longer than my index finger! that explains a lot, actually...

Michael said...

It does, kind of. They say it might indicate high exposure to testosterone in the womb and may predict athleticism. This may be especially true of endurance sports. Hey, rower!

Moominmama said...

my friend laura once told me that i had more testosterone than her husband.

if you'd met her husband you'd realize that wasn't a terribly strong statement, but still...

Frontier Psychiatrist said...

My ring finger is longer.

But I'm gay, I swear.

The Other Andrew said...

Ditto, longer ring finger here. But then, I'm pretty yang after all.

Michael said...

Frontier Psychiatrist-- Poser! You've hitched your wagon to our star because it all looks so glamorous.

TOA-- so you're saying I'm a big flaming yin then?

sam said...

okay, everyone post photos of your hands now.

The Other Andrew said...

TOA-- so you're saying I'm a big flaming yin then?

Jeez Mary, yes.