You knew I was gonna have to post about
Brokeback Mountain eventually, right? In deference to those who haven't caught it yet, I'm not going into any spoilery detail. I feel compelled to share my impressions, though, mostly because this movie is haunting me. I've seen it twice. I downloaded the
soundtrack. I've lingered at the website, reading the production notes from all the major players. I've read the short story. Everyone knows the story by now-- cowboys in love. You've seen all the spoofs and heard all the jokes. For me, this movie transcends all that. ::cliche alert:: It's a love story for the ages. It's an oft-told tale of star-crossed lovers (Romeo and Romeo, I suppose) with special resonance for anyone who regrets not taking a chance. It's about missed opportunities. It's about the consequence of not being true to yourself. It's about the weight of self-loathing. It's about the toll all this takes on not only you, but the people around you. Sure it's gay cowboys and there's no question that was a big part of the appeal for me. If that's the part keeping you from seeing it, get over it. There's not a lot of man on man action and nothing graphic. If you can't handle seeing men kiss, you'll only have to watch between your fingers for like 30 seconds. Yeah, this is a breakthrough movie for the queer nation, but it's really about love. You know, like the tagline aptly states,
love is a force of nature. Heath Ledger and Jake Gylenhaal and Michelle Williams give phenomenal performances. Ang Lee is a genius. There is so much packed into every frame. This film moves slowly/quietly but never lags. The music is perfect. There are quiet, plaintive mostly guitar bits that just rip me apart even now. Listen to
'The Wings' which plays over the final scene for an idea of what I'm talking about. This movie is haunting and fucking beautiful, people. I'd love to hear what y'all thought about it.
Added: I just read that they have taped Brokeback Oprah with both Heath and Jake on the show. If any of you bitches hears when this is airing, gimme the heads up! Also, if you haven't gone to the movie's website, you should check it out for the entries made by folks relating how the movie affected them. Some are incredibly moving. Finally, there's a good interview by one of the producers over at
I have not seen the film yet. 'Spose I'll have to wait for the DVD. I live in rural Missouri and "by God we ain't gonna show no faggit homo movies here!" I first read the story in 1997. It resonates deep within me and I weep at the simplistic beauty of it.
I finally saw Brokeback Mountain - and loved it. I don't want to reveal any spoilery things so I'll just say - It was heartbreaking, the scenery was gorgeous, the performances were absolutely amazing, it was everything I thought it would be. Everything that was said about Heath Ledger's performance was true - it was so gut-wrenching to watch Ennis fight his feelings and keep everything bottled up. The very end - I won't say what happened, but God was Heath great. Jake was amazing too - Jack was coming from a completely different viewpoint, but his heartbreak was still so powerful. It's such a small, quiet film...just a slice of life of these fascinating characters and before I wanted it to be over, it was over.
As others have said, this movie does stay with you for long after you see it...it really does get you thinking about missed opportunities and being true to who you are, like you said...as well as how life goes so fast that if you find great love like that, life is too short to deny it.
Curtis, you have to see it! I'm in flippin' Dayton, OH (The Birthplace of Flight)(and hometown of Krystal Carrington) and they're showing it here. The movie stays very true to the short story. PS? Loved my dip into your blog. The photo essay 'Day In Your Life' was fabu. Thanks for stopping.
Maddie, I couldn't have said it better than you. Wish I had. That 'stays with you' feeling is what I'm talking about with the haunting. I can't get it out of my head. Prolly doesn't help that I'm listening to the music all the time. Life is too short. Are all cliches so heavy with the truth? I'm thinking of things I've denied myself and realizing I've been doing it for like ten years. OK, now we have to get together someday for a DVD night of 'Rent' and 'Brokeback'. I'll bring the Kleenex, you bring the pizza rolls.
Maggie, you do. Have to.
I saw it this afternoon. Beautiful, moving, everything I was hoping and then lots more. Heath and Jake are amazing, as is Michelle Williams, and boy oh boy has this ever kicked my Jake G obsession up a couple of notches. I wept like a child, and still am tearing up when I think about it. A fantastic film.
Yes. Yes.
Here I am in my own little Brokeback world thinking my own thoughts, thinking I must be unique and special and you all Agree with me and didn't know it. And you are way ahead of me as far as swapping stories. How fab is that!
And that photo!! That is the photo I've been searching for. It wraps everything up in a lovely sleepy bundle. Thanks, michael.
I just read on towleroad that Oprah's show for Brokeback is tomorrow the 27th. So we'll have to see, won't we.
I looked for that photo because of you, loulou. The way you described that moment in the film really defined it for me. That's what we look for.
I laughed out loud and I cried silent tears. I was enveloped in the physical beauty of it all to the point of absolute distraction and loss of self.
Hmmmm, sounds like my last two relationships ;-)
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