Tuesday, August 01, 2006

He can do any trick that you can pick

Go ahead and call him creepy, but I want a Popo the Puppet of my own. I have a few very specific tricks I can envision him performing right off the top of my head. And I mean that literally. LURVE Danny Kaye. I was actually looking around for video clips from White Christmas, one of my all-time faves. God, that movie made me wanna slurp him up. Same for Rosemary Clooney. I have the DVD, but I wanted to send some White Christmas (in July) YouTube lovin' to a certain someone (or someones....::swans::). That's when I came across this. It's Danny in On The Riviera, which I HAVE TO SEE now. Vous? Seriously, could they possibly pack more loaded lines into one short song? Looking over his biography, I see that La Kaye was married for some 40 odd years. Emphasis on odd. Married? Really?


Michael Guy said...

How very odd: I, too--was searching YOUtube last evening for WHITE CHRISTMAS vids for YOU... There weren't any. :(

Danny Kaye married for 40 years? Hmmm. Now that is an interesting factoid.

I'm really trying to refrain from suggesting that I have your Popo the Puppet right here, dude.

I didn't try hard enough.

Michael said...

Strange, but not surprising. There is this: http://tinyurl.com/z3nkd

The Luscious One and I have shared our love of "White Christmas" for a while now. In a perfect world we could have a big singing/dancing/teary-eyed/joyful viewing party.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is a blast from the past. I used to watch Hans Christian Andersen OVER and OVER at my grandmother's when I was little. Loved that.

Michael said...

I keep watching it over and over and over.

Over and over, along with another vid that I stumbled upon in my search that is just DELIGHTFUL, but I'm saving it so as not to overdue the YouTube. But it's Cole Porter and I can hardly. stand. it.