I just finished the first season of
QAF, guys. Wow! How glad am I that I don't have to wait to see what happens? This was my first real exposure to the show, having only seen a few downloaded snippets on the internets previously. "Groundbreaking" gets tossed around a lot, but for the U.S. anyway, it's apt. Brokeback pup tent sex kinda pales by comparison. Honestly, my house is a bit of a fish tank, all windows and french doors, so I had to be conscious of not scandalizing the neighbors by watching this show after dark. I know what you're thinking--pull a blind, Mike! Problem is I'm redoing a few things, preparing my house for sale, so for now I have 4 large bare windows around my fave tv watching spot. Where was I? Oh yeah, the show. I'm really enjoying it. It doesn't take itself too seriously and I don't feel it really depicts typical gay life (except maybe Bodhi's), but it has some wonderful moments. The last episode of the season took me for a ride from the opening scene which gave me the serious RP's, to the rather cringe inducing prom scene where the Face of God sweeps in and the dance floor clears (ouch), to the incredible poignancy of the emotions written all over Brian's face as Mikey rubs his neck in that final scene in the hospital. Brotha Gale acted the shit out of that. And thank you Target for discounting the second season which I already have queued up and ready for the weekend.
Oh, and while I'm talking TV, they are running the new
Dr. Who on Sci Fi starting tonight. I've never seen ANY of the other shows ::ducks::, so should I check this one out, if for no other reason than
Mr. John Barrowman?
Yay! Best season ever of QAF is 1. Gale just acts his little gorgeous be-hind off. Some of my favorites:
- his reaction to Justin at the King of Babylon contest, and then at the diner the next morning. "I told him he could see me in his dreams."
- the finale - my fave, with the prom, the dance, and then the extremely sad ending.
You'll have to let me know what you think of Season 2.
"I don't feel it really depicts typical gay life (except maybe Bodhi's)..."
You kill me. Hee!
The Kid and I have indeed discussed this very point at some length on quite a number of occasions. At the present time, the mutually agreed consensus seems to be that I am am somewhat of a combination of Brian (from a sexual standpoint), Mikey (on the emotional side) and Emmett (just a big queen).
Personally, I think the show does reflect a certain gay lifestyle that is quite accurate for quite a number of people. But maybe that just says that maybe I have been living in this youth and sex obsessed city for way to long now ....
Maddie, the best one? But the others are still good, right? There is some good acting going on, isn't there? You can just see the emotions washing over Gale's face in that final scene. I already started season 2. So far, so good.
FG, it does seem fabulously naughty, doesn't it?
Bodes, you know I love/envy you, right? I guess it's just so foreign to MY life that yours stands out all TECHNICOLOR for me. And I notice you don't have ANY Ted in you? I'm prolly 60% Ted, 30% Mikey and 10% Emmett, but I'm working at changing the percentages.
I was weirdly compelled to identify with the young guy in QAF -- what was the kid's name again? Justin? I didn't really like the kid, but his experience of blowing out his closet door while still a teen living at home with parents who were hostile to it, and then his decision to seduce a man who is too old for him, too experienced for him, and too detached for him, all echoes the stuff I did at that age.
I never got past Season One of QAF, but I can't remember why. The characters all kinda grew on me, I liked the soapy aspect of the show, and it did remind me quite a bit of the lives of some of my dear boy-friends from my younger clubbing days; still, Season Two has been sitting unwatched underneath my bedroom TV table for about 6 months.
I heart Ted. I always really felt for the character, in some ways he's the 'everyman' admidst the maelstrom, right? Jen, it acually does getter better so it might be worth persevering past Season 1. Although IMHO it declines in the last couple of seasons. Still entertaining though.
I'm just watching Season 2 of Arrested Development on DVD. Laughing. My. Ass. Off.
Oh, and La Barrowman is not in Dr Who until about 2/3 or maybe 3/4 through the season, but it's still all good fun before that point. I heart Christopher Eccleston though, so biased I admit.
Okay TOA, if you say so, I'll give season 2 a spin.
I just finished watching seasons 1 & 2 of AD a couple weeks ago -- so damn funny. And Jason Bateman, always a cutie, just keeps getting yummier with age.
Jen, I know how you feel. It's good and all, but it's not like I was with SFU on DVD where I devoured it. This is good stuff though, cheesy dialogue be damned. I started Season 2 this weekend. They have a little jukebox link with each episode so you can check out the songs for each. Liking that. I just finished Episode 4 which means I'll be singing "Chiqitita" for the rest of the night. As I sip my shiraz. And watch the Buckeyes getting their hat handed to them by Georgetown. That's right, guys. I'm watching basketball ALL WEEK. It's March Madness, bitches.
Oh, there's no doubt a bit of Ted in there for me too, Mikey, but not enough to make any great impact. Of course I love Ted's character too.
I'm more like 40% Brian, 40% Mikey and 20% Emmett. Percentages are indeed always a work in progress.
Technicolor, huh? It was really just another typical weekend pour moi ...
In the last 72 hours I flirted outrageously with a hottie on a bus to the city, a cute blondish twink in a local Newtown retail outlet gave me his phone number (for which The Kid can attest, she was there with me, jaw agape), was dutifully impressed by the athleticism of a well built 30 year old who had the body of a god and was hung like you would not believe, and later made out like a bandit for hours with this really sweet and cute 47 year old guy. I really like him, and it seems he likes me too. He is coming over on Friday and spending the night with me. *Sigh* I know, 7 years older. Who would have thunk it, right?
Seriously, though, cross figers for me on Friday. I do really like Paul. Will see how it unfolds. Will keep ya posted ....
What's that you say? Ohhh, ummm - 20 year old Tim and 25 year old Christian are just a bit of semi-regular fun, you understand. They are not, nor have any of us pretended to be, boyfriends.
And Rabbit dares to "give the heterosexual thing a bit of a go for a while", and thus has a girlfriend. Again. Bitch.
... and so are THE GAYS OF OUR LIVES *giggle*
See ... typical really ;-)
Ahh, Episode 204 is my favorite of the season.
Season 2 isn't bad at all. I didn't mean to give you a bad impression before you even saw it! I think it had its highlights, I just think it got off the original track that #1 was on...and during 3 and 4 it got back on that track.
No need explaining to ME, Bodhi, as I LOVE OLDER. 47 sound mui caliente to me. Well, as long as his teeth are good and he's not tipped over from chunk (mmm) to apple. Best of luck with Paul, brotha.
Actually, Paul does not even anywhere near tip over into chunk. He's actually well built, the body is looking damn fine. I was a bit surprised when he told me his age, as he definately does not look 47. I would have guessed he was, maybe, a good 42.
This is the first older guy that I have ever been really attracted to. He's like 17 full years older than any of my previous boyfriends. I suppose it will be nice to be with someone who actually remembers the 80's as a decade, rather than just appreciates or likes it as retro.
"How do you feel about all the guy sex on the show? Bother you ever? Hot? Gross?"
Well, Michael, here's my take on it. When I first started watching the premiere, about 6-7 years ago, maybe? I thought it was really shocking. That's only I think because I had never seen gay sex (simulated) or even guys making out for that matter. They just put it right in your face, like it or not, no apologies. I thought that was awesome of Showtime to just let them do whatever with that show. After the 20th viewing of the first episode (my friend and I showed it to whoever would let us) I was over the shock. It's just like watching hetero couples making out, having sex, etc. on tv. That's not always comfortable to watch either. Anyhoo...as far as finding it hot, gross, etc...I don't find it gross or anything. Hot - well, I thought Brian and Justin making out was always hot, and their "simulated sex" scenes were pretty hot, but really didn't do anything for me. Never really paid attention much to the Mel/Linds sex scenes, they were fine, but they were just something to wait through so we could get back to Debbie and the boys. In the end, I always came back to the show for the drama and the characters, which I thought the show did well - balancing the gay club life, gay sex, drugs with the lives of these characters and the drama behind them.
Well put, Maddie. Interesting to see something from a different perspective. I asked because (and I'm ashamed to admit) I'm even a little squeamish at some of those darkened backroom orgy scenes. The lesbian sex I find kinda hot usually, once I get over the initial surprise because, like you mentioned, it's just not something I've seen all the time.
I'm even a little squeamish at some of those darkened backroom orgy scenes
Oh sweetie, we gotta get you out of Bumfuck, Ohio. Did you know that there are three (count em, three) backrooms within walking distance of our little pad in Newtown?
Squeamish? Bah!.
Rabbit and I sometimes refer to each other as back room bitch. Its a term of endearment, you understand :-)
This sounds so bad - but wait until the 3rd or 4th season... those backroom scenes will become like everything else. At least for me - you build up a squeamish/shock tolerance. This is why when I saw the Brokeback sex scene and thought "THIS is what people are upset about? Try watching 1 episode of QAF!"
I do need to get down there, B. My new revised plan is for mid-December or so. Sydney and then some diving at the GBR.
And yes, Bodhi, it is a sad state of affairs when sweet hetero Maddie is more inured of the group sex than I am.
Also? I can't believe I JUST thought of this, but I'm practically 100% David. Seriously. He's me. Well, except for the Jag, but otherwise. Is that bad?
100% David is Hawt!
Big forehead? Check.
Good with my hands? Check.
Lessee, what else?
... You love Mikey
[Need I remind you that I am at least 40% Mikey?]
Can I climb up on the table now, and you can practise your chiropractic moves on me?
Bodhi, since it seems like just you and me on this thread now, can we cuddle and share a bit? Just between you and me, that's actually what I do.
You just cuddle and share away, my little DaveMuffin.
Hmmmmmm. This is nice....
Mmmm, you fit just right. But remember, these are our secrets.
[*nods and snuggles in some more*]
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