If we live our lives the right way, then everything we do can become a work of art.
Sometimes it seems like we're all living in some kind of prison, and the crime is how much we all hate ourselves. It's good to get really dressed up once in a while and admit the truth -- that when you really look closely, people are so strange and so complicated that they're actually beautiful. Possibly even me.The quote is from Angela and not Jordan, as you know. But she was the heart and soul of the show, plus Jordan never really made any sense, did he? Just stuff like this:
Jordan: Why are you like this?Ahhhh Angela, you did earnest right. Not like that doe-eyed atrocity, Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Angela: Like what?
Jordan: Like how you are.
Angela: How am I?
The ReckoningFor those of you not down with the verse, I have something else. It feels kind of cruel to make a stand-alone post about it, so I'll append it here. Remember a few weeks back when my Andy was the MEAT? A few of us were discussing his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, and her preternatural preservation, as depicted in a Details magazine photo. Well, yesterday A. Coop was on Oprah plugging his book (dirty?) and who should show up along with but Momma Gloria V. I'll just say it. Her face is WRECKED, yo. They can do tricks with photographs, but videotape don't lie. OK, videotape is harsh, but this woman's face looks like a leering skull, only with puckers. Seriously, her skin is stretched so tight that she has these pleats next to her nose. And her face does not move. Only her eyes. It's like she's one of those paintings in a haunted house. And don't get me started on her teeth. She seemed really sweet, if that counts for anything. Oh, and Xiaoxia, if you're around here, Anderson described one of his early floppy coiffures as "Flock of Seagulls hair." It's time to face the music, darlin'.
All profits disappear: the gain
Of ease, the hoarded, secret sum;
And now grim digits of old pain
Return to litter up our home.
We hunt the cause of ruin, add,
Subtract, and put ourselves in pawn;
For all our scratching on the pad,
We cannot trace the error down.
What we are seeking is a fare
One way, a chance to be secure:
The lack that keeps us what we are,
The penny that usurps the poor.
WARNING: Do not insert swab into ear canal. Entering the ear canal could cause injury. If used to clean ears, stroke the swab gently around the outer surface of the ear only. Keep out of reach of children.Who are they kidding with this shit? I don't know about you, but I don't buy Q-tips to detail the grout around the tub and I certainly don't dust musical instruments with them. So let's get down to the nitty gritty, shall we? If you've been around here long, you know plenty about my borderline obsessive personal hygiene proclivities, so you may as well know this: I am a Q-tips hog, people. Do I dare to enter my ear canal, you ask? Fuck yeah. Dude, I usually feel violated after. But in a good way. I don't do myself jailhouse-style, though. I lube it up with some mineral oil and go to town, muthafuckas.
When I was parking at the salon, this was the view through my sunroof. Pretty sweet pic for a phone camera, methinks.
Positioning my fingers on the shiny metal tab, small and round, like a tear,Then came Eve. Let Me Blow Ya Mind. Eve and Gwen are a heady mix, no question, but not necessarily bonerific, unless you get a little backstory. Remember that internet porn guy? Malcolm was used to jackin' for beats but I sometimes paid him to get aggressive and throw shit around. Remember him? Cabbage for wildin' seemed like a fair trade for both of us. Anyway, there was this one time when it was a little more overtly sexual. He was naked when I arrived. Eve came over the PA. I had him put his leather jacket back on. Cool black motocross one. Had him dance. He ended up putting three or four fingers up, which I didn't even ask for. How sweet is that?
Then murmuring a murmur so inaudible that even though I could feel his lips tremble against my ear, he seemed far, far away
Pinch it, he said, which I did, lightly, until he also said pull it, which I also did, gently parting the teeth, one at a time, down under and beneath, the longest unzipping of my life...
Hi Sweets,See? Sweetest thing ever. Sounds a little disjointed, I know, but that's totally how she thinks. And talks. And she's right. Her mother was an angel straight from heaven who raised four girls on her own when her husband was always out partying. Never heard the first complaint from her. I miss her too, even though she could be a big pain in the ass sometimes. I said she never complained. I never said she didn't have a fucking laundry list of chores for me all summer long.
Thanks for all the work you put in Sunday. I love the flowers and the angel food cake and you. Can Dad and I come in sometime to put out your patio furniture and grill, etc.?
Thanks again for the great Mother's Day. I still have a sick feeling on that day. I miss my mom so much even after all these years. She just was a nice lady and I miss talking to her. Mom and I went through so much together from the time I was a little girl.
Love you, Mom
Sure you like it plain, but try drizzling it with extra virgin olive oil, add a dash of kosher salt, and it'll be like a whole new party in your mouth.