Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It's one life and there's no return and no deposit

I'm sure he won't mind, given the divine picture he's posted, if I tell you that it's Michael Guy's birthday today, y'all! Head on over to Temporary Trouble Spots and wish him well. While you're there, read some of his musings on life. He's the real deal, folks. I regurgitate showtune lyrics while he brings it with his unique thoughts and sentiments. He'll make you laugh and cry in equal measure. OK, mostly laugh, but a tear or two slid down my cheek this morning, Demi-in-Ghost-style.


Michael Guy said...

MICHAEL: Regarding "GHOST"...

.: Ditto :.

Will said...

Yo. Memorial Day's come and gone.

Where are the abs you promised us, Mr less-than-ten-percent-bodyfat?!?!

Curtis said...

And a very happy birthday to you!