So, I went to see The Ten Tenors this weekend. I know what you're thinking. These guys are just a low rent knock-off of The Three Tenors. Well, I won't argue with you, but I'm nothing if not low rent, so perfect! Give me quantity over quality every time, G. The way I see it, ten tenors means I only paid fo.fitty per tenor. A bargain, yo. Besides, these guys are Australian (yum) and at least half of them are stone foxes. I'd hit eight of them. Why the discrepancy, you ask? I'm kinda slutty and not all that choosy. C'mon, haven't you been paying attention? I didn't love this show, but I liked it fine. Seriously, though, it's ten men with hot accents singing and dancing in tuxedos. How bad could it be? I think a better crowd would have helped. Tell me, who amongst you wouldn't stand up to dance when these boys busted into their Bee Gees medley? I tried to move it, but caved to the seated mob mentality after a minute. Or two. These guys did a cool rendition of Paul Simon's The Boxer, a song I love, which sent me back into my weekend 70's reverie that started with JT, and curiously, Dolly.
ADDED: You may think you've heard "really gay" before. You've hung out around here after all. Well, you haven't, til now. Check out The Ten Tenors link and click on the MP3's to hear the boys do their a capella take on "Dancing Queen".
Rabbit, The Kid and myself do a pretty mean capalla version of Abba's Take a Chance. Really gay, indeed. We shocked and surprised some locals in BrisVegas (Brisbane) on our recent trip because we happened to spontaneously burst into song walking down the street that my Sister happens to live in. I'm sure it will be the talk of her neighbourhood for years to come.
Anyhoo, I'm pleased to hear you think us Aussies have hot accents. G'day Mikey, how are ya mate? (doin anything yet?). And of course tuxedo's are virtually our national dress down under, ya know. Oh yeah, tis true, a little known fact but there ya go.
And by the way, I'm happy to take up a long term lease on your low rent option anyday, Mikey ;-)
... of course, when we are not wearing our tuxedo's we spend much of the time wearing nothing but skimpy speedo's or low slung boardshorts and a good tan.
[Your checking Qantas flights as I type, huh Dude?]
I always picture y'all in board shorts or those "Aussie Rowers" from International Male.
IMO you know you are living RIGHT if there is spontaneous bursting into song. I reserve that for my happiest moments, usually skiing, sometimes on the slopes, but you get the best looks on the lifts.
And seriously, I have been checking flights. I have friends who are making noise about spending the winter in OZ/NZ and said I'd be welcome to drop by. Right now, though, it's almost $2,000 so if I come knockin' you better show me a REAL good time.
And yes, hottest accents, bar almost none, for me. I once came upon Pat Rafter at a tennis tournament (oh my, that one was unintentional...hee!) and wished him luck and he said, "Thanks, mate." Like right to me! There may have been swooning, god help me.
'Mate' is such a great word. So versatile. I can mean friend, foe, amicable stranger... There's the disappointed "Aww, maaaaate." The enthusiastic "Maaaate!" The grammatical 'mate' that replaces any punctuation "Yeah mate I think so mate"
The list is endless...
So if I come knockin' you better show me a REAL good time
Maaaaaaaate, no wuckin furries!
[Translation: Bro, no prob)
The Tenors did a cute little riff on translating Australian to English.
Tenors. Ten Tenors. Tenors. Ten guys exploring the musical range that is tenor.
OK, maybe that second glass of wine went down too fast. I'd be SO amenable right now.
LOVE your translations, especially when they come simultaneously with my post about Australian to English translations.
We would have a time, wouldn't we? I mean, once you get over your disappointment, it'd be great.
Australia and America are two countries divided by a common language.
BTW, have you all heard of these bitches (TTT)? You sent them up here.
My current pipedream is to come down during the Australian Open. Spend a few days in Melbourne and then a few days in Sydney and my friends insist on flying me over to 'Kangaroo Island'. Do I have that right? What is that?
Yes I have heard of The Ten Tenors, and I agree that there are some cuties amongst them. Top marks for looks still go to a couple of the guys in Il Divo though, imho. Two of the Il Divo guys are my future husbands, just so you know.
Only a few days in Sydney? Are you mad? Sydney deserves more than a couple of days my friend. I have been to Kangaroo Island, it's off the coast of South Australia. Picturesque, wildlife, yadda yadda. Has a huge koala population, so much so that at one time they considered culling them but there was such an outcry that they relocated some to the mainland to shore up some areas that had dwindling populations. (They have been decimated by the chlamidia bug in some areas) K.I. is only tiny, so I wouldn't plan on spending too much time there.
They said it would be a day trip, just overnighter.
So, how long is long enough in Sydney?
Madness indeed, to spend only a few days in Sydney. Maaate, Australia IS Sydney. Anywhere else and you are simply camping out and making do. What are you thinking!?
Kangaroo smangaroo, I say. Why go and see stereotypical Australian wildlife when you can come to Sydney and be the wildlife. Besides, I have it on good authority that Sydney has really, really, cute .... Rabbit's.
And Yeah, I have heard of 3T too. You can have Il Divo TOA, Mikey gets his pick from 3T, but His Brad-leyness is still all mine, m'kay.
How long is long enough in Sydney? (Fit of camp sniggers). Well, the longer, the better. Obviously.
Well, there's lots to see and do around Sydney. I'd give it at least around 3-4 days. A day to wander around the harbour, Opera House, The Rocks. A day to go up to the Blue Mountains. A day to go to Bondi, maybe take a bit of a trip up the coast etc. You should do the Bridge Climb if you get a chance, you can walk up the Harbour Bridge dude! It's amazing, and with the prep time it's about a half-day event. I haven't even started on shopping time...
Plus don't forget Bodes and I need to show you how to paint the town pink in Sydney.
... and maybe even lavender and a truly lovely shade of fuscia too.
"How long is long enough in Sydney? (Fit of camp sniggers). Well, the longer, the better. Obviously."
I knew I could count on you, B.
OK, two days in Melbourne. A week in Sydney. And if I fall in love, I'll just stay and send for my things.
Sounds like a plan Mikey. I'm counting down the sleeps to you arrive already.
*Smiles sweetly and innocently*
Now, now Andrew. Buddhist, remember? You really must learn how to deal better with this whole craving and letting go thing.
And who better than a good friend to help you out ;-)
The boys do entertain, don't they, xtine?
You people think you are so funny ::sniff::
Obviously. Thats because we are.
We make this look good.
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