First up may be a quick trip to NY next month. My beloved baby sister called to tell me her friend will be starring in a long-running Broadway play! She asked me if I would like to meet her in NY to see a musical. Have you heard a stupider question, guys? No, you haven't.
NY is awesome, I know, but if the chips fall right, it's the appetizer. Second up is the full frontal entree. I've written about my pseudo-family before. Remember the kindly band of wandering Jews? Well, the parents have decided to spend the winter in Australia and New Zealand. Just a lil' jaunt to the South(ern Hemisphere), God bless 'em. Well I hear tell they'd LOVE IT if I'd pop in on them for a spell. Again, what's a boy to do but comply?
Facts are that I'm a gainfully employed faggot of a certain age living in a low-rent district (read: rural county, no dependents), so I do have some disposable income. Just one of the untold bonuses of being a sodomite. However, I'm also considering a life-altering change that will severely alter the Engle economy, so if any of you have any tips for preserving my stash on these sojourns, speak up, brothas. There could be touristy chotchkes and/or brief sexual favors in it for ya. My pick.
NY? Really? When?
If it happens, it'll be November 11/12.....
hmmmm. Keep me posted.
You know the thought of a real-time rendezvous has me a wee bit terrified, right? The internets help me to hide my neuroses.
Worry not, my friend. I have plans that weekend anyway, so there is no stress or obligation on your part.
Michael I can help you save on your budget while you are here in Oz, but my budget won't let me go above $200 for all night, and I have some special requests, m'kay?...
You're not totally fucked up. I'm just so used to meeting up with people I've met online that I don't have too much of the weirdness left.
I have a Girls Night planned for Nov. 12th, but maybe we can work something out.
$200 and a predetermined safe word means no request is too special, A.
freakgirl, it's not like I've never met someone from online before, but never a girl ;-), and never someone that I really care about.
Aren't you the cutest.
I'm not really a girl. I'm an enigma wrapped in a shroud of mystery. With very large breasts.
..any tips for preserving my stash on these sojourns, speak up, brothas. There could be touristy chotchkes and/or brief sexual favors in it for ya. My pick.
Well, purely in the interests of your budget of course, moi is always happy to offer you free accomodation at my place in Sydney. Great location, nicely appointed, close to everything the city has to offer and fab company of couse.
Your pick? Fine. Be that way. Do you prefer the left or right hand side of the bed?
Hey I met someone from online, and we all know how that one turned out... hi Bodes! ;-)
Fabulous, of course darling! How would you ever have truly lived or even coped without moi in your life?
[Dont answer that Andrew .... no, I don't want it in point form ... not alphabetically either .... stop it, m'kay, you love me, I know you do]
Which side? I wanna be that middle guy that Andrew talked about.
Now its answers like that, Mikey, that will make me love you even more. *Sigh*
P.S. I'm a slave to the rhythm, so choose the tunes accordingly.
Lucky Pierre time!
Bodes, of course I heart you my friend, although every time you do without an apostrophe you drive a tiny dagger into my heart.
I heart you too.
Renounce the apostrophe, my Dharma Bro, its a block on your way to ultimate enlightenment.
Grammar is only emptiness, Emptiness only grammar.
HOW did I miss this!
USD3.80= RM1 Beer, boys and beaches.
What mroe could you want from Malaysia?
"USD3.80= RM1 Beer, boys and beaches."
That's almost like a prayer, W.
You're like a one man tourism board. Malaysia is moving up the chart with a bullet.
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