Andrew was recently waxing rhapsodic (and rightly so) about the splendor that is Brodie Holland, Australian Rules Footballer. ::gulp:: Well, over at Bent, there's a link to a lil' photo montage complete with backing music, of Brodes (that's what I call him) and some of his league mates in various stages of undress. You might wanna check it out. If you're into that kinda thang.
link is a video with sound
"Brodes"? We're on cutesy first-name basis now?!
But judging from his near-constant state of undress, I'd say the whole world is pretty much intimate with him...
It just started pissing down here in Vancouver. Grrrr-grey day. Where is the sun? I went to your link, Michael. And then I found another http://www.menforallseasons.com.au/images/2005%20previews/01_2005_l.jpg of the oh, so bee-you-tiful Brodie ...working out and a hat. Very Beckham. And with his Bonds underwear peeking out. Aaaaaah. My day ... my week is looking much brighter. Thanks.:D
Yeah, "Brodes" and he calls me "Bitch". We both know if we looked like that we'd always be shirtless. He's got that line I covet, just like Carl!
LLL, nice linkage. I gotta love a man in a toque. I have no choice. BTW, since you're in Vancouver, my little blue avatar picture is from right nearby. I took it from a spot just above Squamish. I'm no photographer, but I love that shot. That was actually the color of the day, with no editing.
You'll be pleased to know that 'Brodes' is still tripping the light adequate on Dancing With The Stars: Series 3 here in Oz.* He's not the best of the dancers, but he does surprisingly well. Dude can swing those hips.
On one episode they showed him doing a nude photo shoot for Black & White Magazine. (No tackle shots, but they showed everything else) This guy is almost impossibly sculpted.
*Weirdly, this is one of our top rating shows, much to the network's surprise. Your recent version of the show was based on our version (which was a revision of the original UK version) - confused? Ours is done live to air, which is a bit of a rarity in this day and age.
Beautiful shot with beautiful colours, Michael. It reminds me of a Tony Ongley print I have... only yours is more lush. Suits my melancholy mood, it does. A little Jann Arden, "When I cry" and I'll look at your shot (saved to file - thank you)and let the tears drip. One of those days, I guess. :D
So sad (and so sweet)! It's the rain. It POURED the whole day when I took that picture, except up at Whistler where it was SNOW and I was skiing til my ass burned.
I would kill to live in Vancouver, btw, if only for the Granville Island market.
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