Monday, June 19, 2006

Did he create just me in his image, or every living thing?

I'm not a believer in religion, or God even, but I still find this heartening.


Michael said...

And, q-60's, that lil' bit of goodness occurred right here in Ohio, USA. It doesn't make up for the whole "handing Bush the presidency" thing, but it's a start.

Michael Guy said...

She will definitely catch some flak for those remarks, doncha' think?! But..snaps for putting it out there like that. Apparently she's got more balls than her male counterparts. Maybe 'balls' has nothing to do with it; maybe she's just showing her humanity by echoing a "live and let live" doctrine.

Bodhi said...

As the old line goes, "God created us in his own image, and we then returned the favor."

Anyhoo, I have seen the face of God, and his name is Brad. (...apologies to Brian, & Justin).