Monday, June 26, 2006

To me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny

Here are a few blooms from around Casa ME. I often dream of purging all this and getting a tiny apartment in a vibrant city. Would I miss the gardening? I don't know. I don't think so. I'd adapt. I'd fill up my life with other things. I think. Devil! Damn my indecisiveness. Below are the shrub roses I planted a couple years ago. They are just coming into their own, but this pic misses the peak blooms. They were GORGEOUS last week. Still perty, no? The coreopsis pictured above is spreading like mad underneath my bathroom window. To get the full splendour, you should join me for some champagne and a soak in the garden tub. They look best in the late afternoon sun. So it could be after. Oh, and did you see Mr. Buzzy who flew in just as I snappped the pic?
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ADDED: That's my yard in the picture, but the house is the neighbor's.


freakgirl said...

Beautiful! I'm so jealous.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous flowers! Also, that is one big-ass bee. I would have been on the run if that flew near me.

Michael said...

It is pretty, isn't it? But as we've discussed before, freakgirl, real estate around here is dirt cheap, so space for "pretty" can be had for a song.

Maddie, the coreopsis was swarming with bees, so I'm not really surprised I caught one. That one is small compared to the huge ones that hover around the honeysuckle in the spring. It's like they can barely move they are so full and drunk on the nectar. Slow and hovering, but camera shy apparently, because everytime I tried to get a shot of them, they'd be gone.

Beau RN said...

Breath-taking, Michael. Thank God the whole of the under-ground in Ohio is all cow manure run-off from upstate. It makes everything grow and grow and grow. Your green thumb is definitely showing.

Come to the city. You could do a great roof-top garden and make everyone jealous.

Michael said...

Yeah, the thought of all that manure and pesticides and chemical fertilizer in the groundwater...mmmmm....::smacks lips::....but it does make for abundant vegetation. I think I need to take your advice, Beau. Maybe if I work really hard I can be both a city mouse and a country mouse, like a certain other 'mo I know.

Michael said...

And thanks, Q, I took those while I was in the afterglow of my long run Saturday. I've been working my ass off the last 4-5 days trying to tame the wild beast that is my yard. It's my own fault for loafing the last month or so. I'm finally almost's trimmed and edged and fertilized and mulched to within an inch of its Disney-fied ass.

Ur-spo said...

i live in arizona now, and miss gardening a lot. your blog today was nice to see!

Michael said...

ur-spo, I'm glad you liked it. There's a lot that Ohio lacks, but it can hang its hat on "fertile soil." I'm guessing I won't be getting a call from the Tourist Board, eh?

Michael said...

You make me an offer I can't refuse, Maggie. My living expenses in exchange for prettifying your lawn and garden? Throw in a monthly Banana Republic stipend, and I'm there.

PS I'm obsessed with the edging. Like I said--Disneyrific.

Michael said...

Damn. You know me, always looking for the Kato opportunity.