Monday, September 05, 2005

Ain't nobody dope as me, I'm dressed so fresh, so clean

Ever have a nagging feeling that you're just NOT as fresh down there as you could be? Just a little dirty South? Yeah, me too. Ever thought of trying some Lysol? On the one hand I figure this can't be real, but on the other I must admit that it would make your bizness a little more palatable to me, ladies. No offense.
This came courtesy of my favorite lesbian (holla, Jen!), so that does lend it an air of authenticity, no?


Michael said...

She said it can also be a dessert topping.

Jen said...


Anonymous said...

Just surfed here.

Doesn't sound like it could get any more sterile than this.

Btw, I see you like Neil Gaiman as well. Excellent taste there!

Michael said...

I deeply love "Stardust" and "Neverwhere". I haven't even delved into Sandman yet. How good is it going to be for me?

Michael said...

Seems impossible at first glance, but I guess if you can trust your home to Lysol, then it's not that big a leap to trusting them with your genitalia. I say that as a man who has trusted his in just about anyone's hands, though.