Friday, September 02, 2005

I can see you, your brown skin shinin' in the sun

I was driving to get my hair cut this afternoon. Did I mention it's Haircut Day? I was running a little late and that was exacerbated by slow traffic. Turns out it was due to a National Guard caravan and I can only guess that they were heading south to help out with the hurricane relief. Is it wrong that I was checking out all the drivers? I was giving them the thumbs up action while I was doing it, if that helps at all. So after I finally got by all of them (I was really late by then), I should have really sped on, but I was slowed practically against my will by some gay lobe in my brain taking over. The trigger was this dark-skinned dream of a Harley dude. I mean, wish up on a star dream. I mean brotha with your teeth so white, won't you ride my knob tonight dream. OK, did I offend y'all with that last bit? Dude had on those chunky black biker boots, a great pair of jeans and his legs seemed spread way beyond what was necessary. His shirt was tight, natch, setting off the V-torso we all covet. He had close cropped nappy hair, dark dark skin and he was sportin' some cute little blue-tinted glasses. Do you blame me for loitering? After a long while he had no choice but to give me the quizzical look, which I answered with the sheepish smile and wave and that's when he brought out the big guns-- the lopsided cocky smile you'd sell your Gramma to see again followed closely by the laugh and a wave back. Bang! Bang! Ya got me. Anyway, he exited, I went on. In the state that put me in, is it any wonder that I was visited again by the embarrassing shampoo bowl boner?


Anonymous said...

"Is it wrong that I was checking out all the drivers"?
(does the question mark go inside or outside the parenthesis in this case? I always get that confused...)
It would have been wrong if you didn't!

Sounds like it was a "great day at Aveda"!

The Other Andrew said...

I'm sure your Shampoo Girl is very flattered.

Michael said...

It was a great day, Sara. Good or bad, I love a salon day. Couple it with men in camouflage and man on Harley and well, life is sweet.

Truth be told, Andrew, it's Alan, sweet Alan, who takes me door to door in there. The invigorating scalp massage with Aveda aromatic oils, the shampoo, the cut, the witty suggestive banter, and the finishing polish. In the vernacular, he slaps me up, flips me and rubs me down. BTW, etiquette question. Y'all kiss your hair dude on the way out, right?

The Other Andrew said...

My hair dude is a lady (actually, yours is too possibly) and we are cordial, but no kissage.

Yesterday in Sydney was Legacy day, a charity day for an organisation that looks after the families of military personnel killed in service. One of the best side benefits, the city was crawling with smartly dressed and well pressed young soldiers selling badges. We love Legacy day.

Michael said...

Well today while he was cutting my hair, Alan rubbernecked to check out some beefcake walking by outside. That is NOT a lady in my book. Rude!