Thursday, December 01, 2005

When it's over, so they say, it'll rain a sunny day, I know; shinin' down like water

December 1 is World AIDS Day. It has been for 18 years now. People live a lot longer with AIDS than they used to. Still, a stunning number of people are dying. 3 million people a year—an average of 5.7 deaths every minute of every day. Lots of things to read about today on the successes and failures in fighting this disease over the last decades. I've never lost friends to AIDS. I've barely known people with AIDS. For someone with a different perspective, y'all should check out what this dude has written. I read his blog often. He's a smart and funny faggot (a) with some astute observations. In spite of those qualities, he's also from Ohio (b), y'all! Before him, I'd always thought that was a Venn diagram with no intersection (c), yo. Holla Cleveland!


Anonymous said...

Oh good, I'll post this here if I may, Michael?

I read this yesterday on Joe Average's site. He's giving a speech today in Vancouver for "A Loving Spoonful". I don't know how well he's known around the world but he's pretty big here in Vancouver. It's an inspiring read. Living with HIV for 23 years... and anyway, it's a good speech. "Nutrition, an extra set of hands, strength, and laughter in this complicated and serious life of mine."

His art is something else as well.

Anonymous said...

It's good that we all vocalize this day, and everyday, that the struggle of HIV/AIDS is still very real. Get tested everyone. Please.

The Other Andrew said...

I always mentally dedicate the day to the friends I've lost, especially Stephen who was my first serious crush when I was about 18. He was a facilitator at the youth group for young gays I went to, was about 6 years older, had a lovely blonde hairy chest and John Denver glasses, and I was beyond besotted. He was a social worker, and one of the kindest and sweetest men I ever met.

Years later a mutual friend kept telling me I should call Steve in my old home town and make contact, but wouldn't (couldn't) tell me why, just that he'd like to hear from me. I found out too late that he was dying, and missed my chance to say goodbye.

Michael said...

Of course it's OK, loulou. It's an interesting perspective he offers. I really like what he has to say about TAKING CHARGE and making decisions based on fact and intuition. With AIDS, but also with other diseases/conditions, people can become so afraid and passive, to their detriment. Some cool art, too. I like the one that looks like stained glass..One World.

Duane, just the other day I was gently reminded of your point by our mutual buddy, Andrew. Duane does this stuff for real. Check out what he has to say, guys.

Andrew, as I said, I have no close experiences like yours. I can't imagine what that time was like. A story like yours applies to anyone and any disease, though, doesn't it. No day but today.

Jen said...

Andrew I'm so sorry for your loss and that you couldn't say good-bye. I have lost many loved ones as well. In 1996 I lost my best friend when he was 33, and then we lost my lover's brother only 3 weeks later when he was only 29. We were all just so fucking sad, and mad, and then numb.

This is one reason why I fnd it so hard to be civil with conservatives.