Sure he's always been kinda sexy, but who knew he was this hot? As if those nipples aren't enough, he has a Sunday paper tucked under his arm AND a Sonicare in his mouth. Hurt me. And is there any question that he is a WILD fuck?
PS I can't believe it's been so long since I used a showtune lyric for the title. Weeks!
Dude. So not hot.
maybe if you cut off his head.
Easy, Hannibal. That's what pillow cases are for.
Who is that?
If that's Matthew McConaughey ...which I'm pretty sure it is...hot, yes. Not on my top ten, but nice. If you saw him in Sahara all tan and sweaty with his shirt off...you'd know he's hot.
That's the man, maddie. Damn, I bet he flosses, too. Unnnh.
I kind-of think of him as our generation's Gary Busey. Is that wrong?
He weirded me out too much in 'Reign of Fire' - he was like a steroided GI Joe, and not in a good way. Aside from that one blip, I'd say generally hot.
This pic is one for the converts though, because that Dental Face he's pulling muddies the waters. He gets snaps for being pectastic though.
Jen, you mean like he kinda teeters on a knife edge between stardom and obscurity, whilst saying crazy shit and getting high?
Mmmm. Dental face.
That's exactly what I mean. In my mind the only difference between the two of them is that I think I might enjoy getting high with MM, and Busey scares me just a little bit.
Busey scares you "just a little bit?" JUST A LITTLE BIT? Catch a repeat of "Celebrity Fit Club" and I guarantee you'll be awake for three days, shivering with fear.
See, I come from crazy people. How crazy? Well, some of the things Busey says on Fit Club are the same exact things certain members of my family say. Thus I find him frightening but not unbearably so.
There's an episode of Scrubs where Carla, upon hearing something totally twisted about Elliot's background, says to Elliot, "You're way more normal than you have any right to be." Which pretty much sums me up.
I'm fascinated by how people springing from the same well can end up so differently.
Me too, Michael.
"he's way more normal than he has any right to be" is something I hear a lot about the geekboy. By all rights he should be an angry self-centered alcoholic. Instead, that's the path his brother chose.
We should hook his brother up with my sister! Wait...
I've talked about my old roommate and former best friend a few times (see: gay when drunk). He was raised under dire circumstances and he's the only one of his siblings to achieve any measure of normalcy. He's a lawyer and has a great girlfriend. Sure, he used to jack me off after a night of partying even though he's straight, but more normal than he oughta be.
I thank Jeebus for the calm, stable and relatively liberal upbringing my parents gave me - it really was such a gift, when I look back at it from the 'adulthood' side of the fence. Not perfect sure, Dad was a bit distant and we had that whole English 'cordial but not demonstrative' aspect to our relationships, but I made it through unscathed and it helped make the 'homo thing' not too big an issue.
When I hear the stories of others whose family lives were chaotic and complicated it makes me especially thankfull.
Good morning, starshine. Come to mama.
If we could only see the next coupla' pictures in this series after he spits but where he has still a little toothpaste around his mouth that needs licking off.
Thanks for the link, Michael.
I'll bet his lovely body is all warm. I'll bet. And that stubble a little bit scratchy but not too scratchy. Unnhhh.
He smells good, too. Not fresh and clean, mind you, but good. I'd be all nosing up in his pits. TMI?
Nah. I'm with ya' there. Mmmmm.
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