What was the Catholic church's initial reaction to rampant child abuse in its ranks? I believe that would be "decades of lies and obfuscation". Now they are taking a new tack. According to reports, Pope Benedict and the Vatican will be releasing a document banning homosexuals from the clergy.
Celibate or not, if you are gay, they don't want you. What was that crap again about "love the sinner, hate the sin"? I've always hated that shit anyway, but when they don't even bother to adhere to their own ridiculous propaganda, it drives me insane. P.S. What the hell does all this have to do with pedophilia anyway? Check the statistics and then let's talk about straight vs. gay in those ranks. I hope this report is true. It'll just hasten the extinction of this religion. They don't have enough priests now. They will not only recruit fewer priests, but also lose quite a few, I would hope, over this hypocrisy. They'll also be encouraging more lies and deception, another proud chapter in an illustrious history of it.Homosexuals, even those who are celibate, will be barred from becoming Roman
Catholic priests, a church official
said Wednesday, under stricter rules soon to be released on one of the most
sensitive issues facing the church.
I was raised Catholic.
I remember attending my cousin's catholic wedding, and oh my god, it was sooo ritualistic and arcane. And people kept on leaping up to sing and they knew all the words to all the songs at all the right moments!
What irked me most was how the priest expressly told them that should there be any fruit from their union they must swear to bring it up catholic too.
You know, for a religion with so much faith they don't have much confidence, eh?
They should do away with the brocades, the killer accessories and the burning handbag thingie... and then, what gay man would want to become a priest?
wingedman, I was the fruit of my parents' union, but that shit didn't stick. The non-fruity siblings all still churchin'.
Your powers continue to amaze, Maggie. Ain't it funny how far they have to stretch it in the attempt to make their actions sound all compassionate and shit?
Andrew, even considering the fabulous accessories, I file this with Log Cabin Republicans, Desperate Housewives, and Pamela Anderson, as things I just don't get.
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