Help! Please try to hide your disdain when I ask this. I have no idea how TiVo really works, but I think I want it. I'm not an idiot, so I kinda get it, but now they are practically forcing me to buy it for the low, low price of $49.99. School me, bitches. Are they all lowball because something new is around the corner that will make me regret taking the bait? Did I just mix 2-3 metaphors? So if I buy it, then I sign up for some monthly service? How much is that? I know all this is on the website that I just linked to a few lines back, but I've been very busy at work and then blogger was giving me trouble and then my cable was out for most of the day and I'm tired and vulnerable right now so just take care of me, OK?
While you're doling out advice, how about helping out a friend of mine who has a lil' pickle (hee!). My friend finally got the nerve to aks out the owner of his hair salon, OK? It's like the first real date date this poor schmuck has had in like a year. I know! Avert your eyes, right? Anyway, he's thinking about taking him to dinner and then the symphony. Is that like pretentious (I don't really know what that word means) or too arty for a first date? Can you help me out? So I can help my friend.
I am a TiVo disciple.
It is $12.95/month, or $299 for a lifetime membership. I don't trust the lifetime, as I am pretty sure it only covers your particular unit. Meaning that if that unit dies on you, you have to shell out another $299 for the new unit. Le suck.
They usually drop prices low when they are getting ready to release another model. Also, sales may be slow because of so many cable companies offering their own DVRs. But the reason I stick with TiVo is because of the incredibly easy and friendly interface, plus the sounds of the buttons will become your new Sound of Happy. I chirp them in my sleep. We are actually thinking about that $49.99 deal to hook up Mom and Dad. Note that the mail-in rebate will probably take about two months to get to you - it's not instant.
We had our TiVo set up the same day we got it. Decide if you're going to hook it up to your network or if you're going to use dial-up, and the geekboy and I will talk you through potential pitfalls.
As for your friend...I don't know that it's pretentious. I prefer a date where you have time to sit and talk. Although my husband and my first date was drinks, snacks, then a movie. Maybe make sure to have coffee afterwards so there can be some discussion and bonding?
First off, may I say that I love when you mention "my particular unit"?
Thanks for the info. So I need to hook it into my network and then also like a VCR between the cable and the TV?
Did you just scoff?
Oh get Tivo, NOW! If you could figure out how to use a VCR you can use Tivo, just dive in and do it!
Okay, here's the deal. You pay $49.99 for the unit. They're probably rebating these so heavily not only to compete with the cable companies, but also because from what I understand, these things don't cost much to manufacture. Their real money comes from the subscriptions.
After that, you have to pay $12.95 for the basic service. To initialize the service, you'll need to hook the TiVo up to a phone line. Once you get past that step, and it's working okay, THEN you can hook it into your network.
To do this, you'll need a network adapter, which basically just takes a network cable and converts it to a USB cable, which then goes into the back of your TiVo. I can point you to where to buy one of these when the time comes.
And other than getting all the cables hooked up the right way, and fussing with a few settings at first, that's pretty much it.
Does anyone know what the advantages of TIVO over a TV tuner for the PC might be? I was in the market for a new desktop but got so frustrated with pre-built units and the companies selling them that I've decided to geek all the way out and build my own computer. The current plan is to put a TV tuner in it and use it much like a TIVO. I know it won't record things on its own, but I'm okay with that since the machines in my house are a smidge too close to consciousness already. Is there anything else TIVO does that would make it worth the money?
My 2 cents on the date: I wouldn't find the symphony pretentious if it was the sort of thing someone usually did, but I would find it pretentious if they only took me there to impress me. Nice dinner=always good. I used to go to this fabulous gay restaurant in Ft. Lauderdale called Jimmy January's...I don't suppose rural Ohio sports anything up that alley, but anywhere two gay men bring their lil pickles is a gay restaurant. :)
That "Anonymous" was the geekboy, btw.
Jen, the thing that the TiVo does that I like is the Season Pass option. You set it once for a certain show and you never have to think about it again; you don't have to remember to record it.
There are TONS of websites that can show you how to make your own TiVo with a computer...just do a search and geek out.
Thanks. Yay! I know the TV tuner thinger will more or less do that because Roomie's on her VAIO does that and mine will be nicer. I've already assembled the template for the system I want; probably start ordering parts from Newegg on Monday. Suh-weet.
Somehow I knew that anonymous was RP. He was the curiously hot A-V guy in high school, I bet. Thanks for the info. I'm not electronics-savvy, so you might be hearing from the testy version of me if things don't go swimmingly. Speak soothingly to him.
And Jen, wtf? You are MAKING a computer!? I knew y'all built decks and shit, but wow.
Heh, you said "testy."
Good ole Randypants talked our friend Megan in Chicago through setting up her TiVo over the phone. He can help you, too. :)
It's less impressive than it probably sounds; I have just enough of a clue about what I'm doing to electrocute myself or fry a brand new processor & motherboard. I'm much more familiar with the Susie Homemaker Playset than the TechnoDyke Action Workstation, so we'll have to wait and see how this little project shakes out. My inner 12 yo boy is very excited about it, though -- that kid's a major geek.
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