If you are only two weeks into giving up artificial sweeteners, it is not the time to make six-pack resolutions, requiring you to give up actual sweet stuff. The first was a sacrifice I needed to make, but the second? I'm blaming it on Splenda DT's (and also some blame goes to that bitch over at Confetti In The Wind). I'm so tired right now and I guess it's from lack of sugar and caffiene but I'm not really sure because I'm too dizzy to think about it much.
I was going to somehow tie in giving up Diet Coke as a segue into posting a pic of their old spokesbeef, Lucky Vanous, but it was a tenuous connection at best, and the truth is that I just like to look at pretty things. You can almost smell him, can't you? He's not as fizzy as the soda, but he is packaged well and about as smart. See, I told you. Tenuous.

Sweet cheeks, I have no issue with you posting Splenda-crack withdrawal addled postings so long as we get more man-beef to look at.
Even if you don't imagine that his wrists are bound, still so hot, ain't he?
Since it's just you and me here for now, Andy, have I ever told you how, when I visit your spot, I always have to look at the current time and temp thing? You are SO TOMORROW dude! Stupid and provincial? Maybe, but no less enjoyable for me.
I know, and nothing makes me want to look over my shoulder like a visit to your site, dude.
(Hey, did you just call me stupid and provincial?... keep that up and I may need to enact some sort of 'revenge' tactic.)
PS. on the bound wrists, I hear you sista.
Lol honey I've not given up a single thing since I started my regimen. I'll probably try dieting about two weeks before Xmas so that they'll show up in time, but after I take pics it can all go!
I don't know if this reflects my distinct mentality, my overwhelming (well, sometimes it feels that way) sexuality or what, but to me this is how the story goes.
The top of my head is just out of shot there. Yes, his wrists are bound and he's about to let out an almighty groan and his head will fall back, just barely missing the wall and his eyes will close and he'll start panting and moaning…. That's a good start.
Michael, I can't believe you've given up Diet coke and Splenda. Since the beginning of August, I've had one lone tin of this elixir sitting top shelf, right hand side of the fridge as a temptation/proof that I can resist. I've fallen off the wagon a few times but this time should be it.
Diet Coke bubbles and the resultant burning is my siren song. I shall keep resisting.
God how I love your sensibility. If you were a guy (and forgive me, but sometimes it seems like you are), I'd be pursuing your randy ass.
Yeah, I went cold turkey on the artificial sweeteners and the sodas. I was overindulging, and at least in my head, it was to the detriment of my health. Honestly, it's almost a couple months now and I don't miss it. Coupled with making better food choices, I'm feeling better. Despite this weekend's little dip into the morose pool, my moods have been more even, too. Ummm, thanks for listening.
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