Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Cuz it's gettin' harder and harder to breathe

It would be crazy offensive, but I was thisclose to telling a dude in my office today that it's past time he took a sickle to that thatch roof business he had sprouting from his nose holes. Seriously, I don't want to get all Queer Eye on your ass, but it's just common courtesy. Granted, when yours truly starts shaving things, Lord only knows where I'll end up. Rest assured that the mere sound of a clippers will send Manny and Esteban ducking and running for cover. I'm not suggesting that for y'all. However, if it looks like you have the business end of a basting brush hangin' out your hole, trim it up at least a little, son.


freakgirl said...

Manny and Esteban, eh?

Michael said...

Yeah, curiously, they are Cuban.

freakgirl said...

I still think about those pictures, and I still get hysterical. I was just describing them to someone the other night. Every time I see "Anchorman" on tv, I get the giggles. Freakgirl heart Jeremy Shaves.

Michael said...

Well now you are gonna HAVE to show the pictures if they're gonna make me pee myself!