Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The union of the snake is on the rise

Over on D-Listed they were making joke captions for this picture. The winner: President Bush proving he also does not have a Weapon of Mass Destruction...
Funny, yeah. But seriously, what was going on here? And who is that leering dude giving it backdoor to the POTUS?
Now granted, I've found myself in virtually the same position, but behind a highway rest stop like a respectable person, not right outside the flippin' White House for chrissake.


freakgirl said...

Weirdest picture ever.

Nice use of Duran Duran, btw.

The Other Andrew said...

"There was distinct... cupping."
"He's a very bad man"

One of the funniest Friends scenes, IMHO.

Michael, I'm guessing you live right by the interstate.

Michael said...

We all do, Andrew. This is America.

Xtine said...

Union of the thats the a great title for this photo. Who knew Duran could predict our future. sigh, ugh, sigh.