Thursday, August 18, 2005

Jerk my fountain, ice cream mountains

A picture over on D-listed of the lithe and spritely Jared Leto has me revisiting the love for My So-Called Life. I was a little out of the target demographic for this girl-centered high school drama, I could suppose, but who am I trying to kid? We've all heard the trite comparison of gay men to teen girls, so I won't repeat it. Won't deny it, but won't repeat it. Angela and Rayanne and Ricky and of course Jordan Catalano (like she always said it), I loved them all. Hell, I even had space left in my heart for dorky neighbor Brian and strangely confused teacher, Mr. Katimsky. This was good stuff, wasn't it? It never felt real, mind you. Real live kids didn't talk or act like this where I grew up. Wish they had. I'll always remember a sweet lil' exchange between our star-crossed lovers, not so noteable for the actual dialogue if you didn't see the way they pulled it off. I try to cue folks with the first line. If some hotness ever chimes right in without missing a beat, I'll know I'm finally home.

Jordan: "Why are you like this?"
Angela: "Like what?"
Jordan: "Like how you are."
Angela: "How am I?"


freakgirl said...

God, how I love MSCL. Some of my favorite quotes:

"There's something about Sunday night that really makes you want to kill yourself. And that creepy '60 Minutes' watch that sounds like your whole life ticking away."

"You're so beautiful, it hurts to look at you."

"In my room, one seam's a little off and I stare at it constantly. It's, like, destroying me." -- Brian, to Graham, on wallpaper

Oh, now I have to pull out the DVDs and watch.

Michael said...

Of course you loved it. If I was there we'd have to do a MSCL marathon. In pajamas, right?

Michael said...

Also, great quotes.

Anonymous said...

I was just watching my DVDs last weekend. Good stuff indeed!

freakgirl said...

Yes, slumber party with MSCL dvds. Plus, manis and pedis and pizza rolls.

Michael said...

Pizza rolls. Perfect.