Monday, August 29, 2005

You've been hit by, you've been struck by....

Can anyone explain this debacle to me? Seriously, R Kelly put on the most embarrassing display of a live performance at the MTV Video Awards that I've seen in, well, ever. And I use the word "live" loosely here as he was lip synching some of the time, but other times miming or acting or some crazy shit. The annual Thanksgiving Day skit show my nieces and nephews put on seems inspired and professional by comparison. And easier to sit through.

picture via fourfour


Anonymous said...

he's got talent
just kidding!


Michael said...

Well, it turns out this was considered high camp in some circles and also very artistic. Just reinforces once again that I am a Philistine. Now I'm kinda proud, though.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't take it. I turned the channel after the first part. Apparently there are five parts to this "urban opera". I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

And one of the chapters consists soley of the names Cathy, Rufus, and Chuck. "Cathy said RUFUS! Then Chuck grabbed RUFUS! Cathy said to Chuck said to RUFUS!" I could not take my eyes away from the television though.