Monday, August 01, 2005

Our eyes wide open, naked as we came

You must rent this movie! If you've seen it (I'm often late to the party), then chat me up about it already. I just finished watching Tarnation, a most incredible directorial debut by Jonathan Caouette, and now you must watch it, too. It's the disturbing tale of Caoutte's troubled upbringing and the bizarre, tragic life of his mother, Renee. This shit is unflinching. Dude is bold and has a bit of genius. He had a camera when he was eleven, so you see his life firsthand in some of the most amazing scenes of the film. He lived this, and it had to be incredibly difficult to dissect and assemble into a movie. Did I already say he's a brave mutherfucker? It's like nothing else you've seen. Well, if you've watched MTV, you've seen plenty of the quick cut bidnaz, but it's all very cool here, I swear. You know you can trust me. Use my excited incoherence as further proof of the goodness.


Anonymous said...

I've seen it. It was riveting, powerful and heartbreaking. And yes, he is very brave.

Michael said...

Riveting, Charlie, exactly, both in the way it was constructed and in the way he didn't blink in focusing on their harrowing lives.

I wonder what he'll do next?